Theta Chapter
Established 1926
Cortland Standard, 1926 Feb 16, page 2,
Arethusa Sorority at the Normal
"A New Chapter Instituted With Membership of Sixty
The Arethusa sorority of the Cortland State Normal school was instituted in this city last Saturday with an installation banquet followed by the formal ceremonies as conducted by grand officers of the sorority.
The local chapter starts with an enrollment of sixty members of whom fifty-four are active and six honorary members. Miss Kathryn Reagan of the Normal faculty has been selected as the club mother of the local chapter.
Arethusa was organized at Brockport in 1864 1870 and has chapters at present in seven of the Normal schools of this state, namely Brockport, Buffalo, Cortland, Geneseo, New Paltz, Oneonta and Oswego. The state organization is affiliated with the Delta Sigma Epsilon national organization, the latter being represented in seventeen different states. Arethusa is the sister sorority of the Clionian fraternity, whose Gamma chapter is located at the Cortland Normal.
The installation banquet was held at the Oasis Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. Covers were placed for sixty-five members and guests, the honor guests including Dr. and Mrs. H. DeWitt DeGroat, Miss Esther Bahls( Alpha ‘ 1914) of the Normal faculty and a former member of Arethusa at Brockport Normal; Grand President Miss Madeline Curtis (Alpha ‘1926) of Brockport, Miss Ethlyn Williams (Alpha ‘1924) of Brockport, and Miss Dorothy Martin (Eta ‘1926), president of the Arethusa chapter of Oswego Normal.
The sorority colors of green and white were employed in a very effective manner for the banquet tables.
After partaking of the delicious menu, the after dinner program was turned over to Miss Sadie Flynn, president of the local chapter who filled her role of toastmistress most acceptably. The program was both formal and enjoyable, remarks being made by Dr. DeGroat. Miss Kathryn Reagan, the club mother, and the three visiting members of Brockport and Oswego.
Miss Madeline Curtis of Brockport, the Grand President, was in charge of the formal installation ceremonies which were held at the Normal school building at the close of the banquet. She was ably assisted in her duties by Miss Williams and Miss Martin.
The members of Arethusa wish to take this opportunity to express their thanks and gratitude to the other Normal societies for their cooperation and kindly assistance during the preliminary days of Arethusa’s existence in this city.
The chapter title for the local unit of the sorority will be selected later.
The present officers are: President – Sadie Flynn
Vice President – Dorothy Clingen
Secretary – Virginia Bellinger
Treasurer – Mildred Davis."
Arethusa Theta Founders 1926
Cortland Normal School Yearbook, Didiscaleion, 1926

Arethusa Theta Founders 1926, Cortland Normal School Yearbook, Didiscaleion, 1926